

<Course courses images loading title />


# <Course courses images loading title />

The Course component is used to display a course.

Name Type Required Description Default
courses object Yes The courses object that has the course name, keywords, and course id
images arrayOf Yes The image array of objects coming from the unsplash API that has the url, alt description, and the id of the image
loading bool Yes A simple boolean to determine if the component is in a loading state or completed loading
title string Yes The course title that is extracted from the props object
To Do:
  • Update this component to be implemented into the new design

View Source components/programs/courses/Courses.js, line 6

The Course component



# static filteredCourses(content, title, variantopt) → {React.ReactFragment}

The Course component is used to display a course.

Name Type Attributes Description
content Array

The array of course content objects to be filtered and rendered on the page

data Object

The course content object that is rendered on the page

data._id String

The course document ID

data.courseName String

The course name

data.keywords Array <optional>

The course keywords

title string

The list title we want to use to contain the filtered list of courses

variant string <optional>

The variant of the list that we are rendering. This should differentiate between recommended courses, enrolled courses, and other courses etc.

  • Yes

View Source components/programs/courses/Courses.js, line 15

The Course component
