Module emse-mms.utils.response
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import json
import os
from requests import post
def getModuleFromID(modules_df):
# take in each row through a lamda function
# get module from ID
# send request to graphql
# add score to res
# append to array in json file
print('Getting module from ID: %s' % modules_df['moduleID'])
res = post('http://%s/graphql' % os.environ.get("API_URL", "client:4000"), {}, {
'query': """query{
id: "%s"
}""" % modules_df['moduleID']
res = res.json()['data']['module'][0]
res['__score'] = modules_df['rating']
# write to file
os.makedirs('data', exist_ok=True)
with open('data/response.json', 'a') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(res) + ',')
print('Wrote to file: %s' % res['moduleName'])
def getModuleFromID(modules_df)
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def getModuleFromID(modules_df): # take in each row through a lamda function # get module from ID # send request to graphql # add score to res # append to array in json file print('Getting module from ID: %s' % modules_df['moduleID']) res = post('http://%s/graphql' % os.environ.get("API_URL", "client:4000"), {}, { 'query': """query{ module(input:{ id: "%s" }){ id moduleName moduleNumber } }""" % modules_df['moduleID'] }) res = res.json()['data']['module'][0] res['__score'] = modules_df['rating'] # write to file os.makedirs('data', exist_ok=True) with open('data/response.json', 'a') as f: f.write(json.dumps(res) + ',') print('Wrote to file: %s' % res['moduleName'])